Brak wiedzy może doprowadzić cię do podjęcia WRONG decision, natomiast gdy masz wszystkie niezbędne informacje i analizy ostrzegające przed porażką, a ty jednak zdecydujesz się na ten krok, wtedy możesz mówić, że to była BAD decision. Czy bad i wrong oznaczają więc to samo?
Bardzo często słyszę wśród moich klientów słowo BAD w zdaniu, w którym powinni użyć WRONG. Dlatego, w poniższym artykule wyjaśniam różnicę między tymi dwoma wyrazami. Weźmy zatem pod lupę kilka przykładów.
Kiedy użyć WRONG?
- He gave the wrong answer to the question and he failed the test.
- I’m sorry, you’ve got the wrong number (= this is not the phone number you wanted).
- She took the wrong approach and now we have to postpone the launch.
- She’s the wrong person for the job. She cannot even add up the expenses.
- We are going the wrong way. Let’s check the map.
Patrząc na powyższe przykłady, możemy dojść do wniosku, że słowo WRONG znaczy zły w sensie niepoprawny, niewłaściwy. Poniżej więcej przykładów:
- We must have taken a wrong turning.
- What’s wrong with you today?
- If you just follow the instructions I gave you, you can’t go wrong.
- It’s not that there’s something wrong with what you are saying, but …
- I thought she couldn’t do it, but she proved me wrong.
- He doesn’t have the humility to admit when he’s wrong.
- I’d marked her down as a Labour Party supporter, but I was completely wrong.
- I just feel this is wrong. Why are we sneaking like this?
- I have started off on the wrong foot. Let’s do it again.
- You’ve been quiet all morning. Is there anything wrong?
„That’s a misunderstanding. I hired the wrong guy to do my books” – from “Catch me if you can” (2002)
Kiedy użyć BAD?
Spójrz teraz na przykłady z BAD:
- Our holiday was spoiled by bad weather. It was raining all the time.
- We’ve just had some very bad news. Our dear boss is quitting the job.
- Watch out – he’s in a bad mood because he lost his client.
- Business has been really bad this year. The sales went down by 15%.
- I’m very bad at I cannot even make an omelette.
Słowo BAD w j. angielskim oznacza zły w sensie niedobry, czyli jest przeciwieństwem „good”. Zatem, tak jak mówimy „I feel good” (sprawdź w artykule o good i well) tak powiemy „I feel bad”.
Oto więcej przykładów użycia BAD:
- The company has been getting a lot of bad publicity (= negative things have been written or said about it) recently.
- The technician did a bad job on the repairs.
- He has some very bad habits, for example, he leaves the office without clearing his desk
- Not greeting visitors at the door is just bad behaviour.
- I had a very bad night (= did not sleep well).
- Everyone thinks I’m a bad driver.
- Breathing in other people’s cigarette smoke is bad for you.
- They have a bad diet.
- Their problems were mainly caused by bad judgment.
- This is a bad time for me to talk. Can I call you back later?
- The annual report has come. It really looks bad this year.
„I have people killed. I’m the bad guy. Remember?” – from „Red” (2010)
Na koniec kilka ciekawych wyrażeń i idiomów:
- Correct me if I’m wrong, but isn’t it your responsibility to make sure these bugs are fixed before release?
- I think you’ve got me all wrong. I want to be your friend, not your enemy.
- If this information falls into the wrong hands, all our undercover agents will be in danger.
- I’m afraid that isn’t right. If you think our biggest problem is communication, then you have got the wrong end of the stick.
- I know we started off on the wrong foot when I was a half-hour late to the interview, but I promise that I will always be on time once I start working here.
- I know this data entry job isn’t what you wanted for a career, but for the time being, try and make the best of a bad bargain.
- The lawyer did us a bad turn in the end, charging us thousands of dollars while doing very little to actually settle the case.
- I didn’t want to get in bad with the boss, so I decided to laugh along with his rather offensive joke.
- Don’t mess with me, I’m bad to the bone!