Oryginalne życzenia na święta Bożego Narodzenia i nowy rok

Oryginalne życzenia na święta Bożego Narodzenia i nowy rok

życzenia na Boże narodzenie po angielsku

W grudniu czas pomyśleć o życzeniach świątecznych. Wysyłając życzenia pokazujemy, że druga strona jest dla nas ważna i myślimy o nich jak najlepiej. Przy tej okazji możemy wyrazić naszą wdzięczność za lojalność naszych klientów oraz pracowników W końcu to też sposób na utrzymanie z nimi dobrych relacji. Jeśli więc brakuje Ci pomysłów na oryginalny tekst życzeń po angielsku dla pracowników lub klientów, może ten zestaw zainspiruje Cię do napisania ciekawych życzeń prosto z serca.

Jak napisać dobre życzenia świąteczne?

  1. Pierwsze wrażenie się liczy – Jakie wrażenie chcesz odnieść wysyłając życzenia? Pokaż, że poświęciłeś trochę czasu na przygotowanie życzeń.
  2. Nie kopiuj wierszyków które ‘chodzą’ po Internecie. Ja osobiście nie cierpię jak od parunastu osób dostaję ten sam wierszyk świąteczny, nawet ich nie czytam.
  3. Nie wysyłaj życzeń masowo – lepsze życzenia to osobiste życzenia. Podejdź więc do każdego odbiorcy z osobistą wiadomością. Dodaj odcień personalny (np. wspomnij o konkretnym projekcie, przy którym pracujecie razem). Dzięki temu klient czy pracownik poczuje się wyróżniony.
  4. Poinformuj o dalszych planach na nowy rok – w jaki sposób planujesz kontynuować współpracę; jak będziecie rozwijać  firmę, by sprostać nowym potrzebom klienta.
  5. Koniecznie podpisz się – odbiorca musi wiedzieć od kogo dostał te życzenia.
  6. Nie nadużywaj marketingu – niech branding (logo) w tym przypadku nie przeważy wartości życzeń.

Typowe krótkie życzenia – typical short Christmas wishes

  1. We wish you a very Merry Christmas and a peaceful and prosperous New Year.
  2. We wish you a Happy Holiday and a joyful New Year. Best wishes from [your company name].
  3. Season’s greetings from the very merry team at [company name].
  4. We wish you all the joys of the season and happiness throughout the upcoming year.
  5. Wishing you a season of joy and looking forward to continued success this year.
  6. May the good mood of Christmas last throughout the year.
  7. We appreciate your business and wish you the best in the upcoming year.
  8. May the holiday spirit be with you and your family today and throughout the New Year.

Dłuższe życzenia dla klientów na rok 2020. – Christmas wishes dedicated for clients

  1. The whole team at [your company name] wishes you peace, joy and prosperity throughout the upcoming year. Thank you for your continued support and partnership. We look forward to working with you in the future.
  2. As we look back upon the past year, we would like to acknowledge those who have helped us shape our business. Thanks for a great year, and we wish you all the best as you enter the new year.
  3. It’s been quite a year for us all! We hope that this year has been just as memorable for you, your colleagues, and your loved ones. We look forward to working with you in the years to come.
  4. The end of the year brings no greater joy than the opportunity to express to you the season’s greetings and good wishes. May your holidays and New Year be filled with joy and prosperity.
  5. At this special time of year, we would like to thank you who have made our jobs easier and our lives more fulfilling. Thank you for being you. From all of us at [company name].
  6. We would like to express our greatest appreciation for the trust you have placed in us and best wishes for the holidays.
  7. This holiday season, we are looking back with appreciation for your loyalty and looking forward to moving into the New Year together.

Życzenia dla pracowników – Christmas wishes for employees

Pamiętaj też o swoich kolegach z pracy bez których sukces nie byłby osiągnięty w pełni. Praca w zespole wymaga też rozpoznania wysiłku Twoich kolegów. Zatem warto im też podziękować za wspólny rok współpracy.

  1. Happy Holidays and many thanks. We couldn’t have achieved this all without you. This year and always, you’re a valued member of our team.
  2. We wish you a delightful holiday with family and friends, full of peace, laughter, and love.
  3. Happiest of Holidays! You keep us afloat and we are grateful. Thanks for all you do for us, this time of year and beyond. Your friends and colleagues at [company name]
  4. Thank you for your continuous support this year. You make us enjoy our cooperation. We’re so grateful for all you do. Your team members at [your company name] wish you peace and prosperity this Christmas season!
  5. This holiday season feels like the right time to share the warmest thanks for the opportunity to be a part of this company. Your guidance and ongoing support are much appreciated. Wishing you and your family a happy and healthy holiday season!
  6. This holiday season reminds me of what a close-knit family we’ve become while working together as a team. Wishing you and your loved ones a blessed and blissful holiday season.
  7. Sending the warmest holiday wishes to you and your family during this beautiful season. Wishing you all the merriest and brightest for the New Year ahead!
  8. Reflecting on the year, it’s clear to see how hard you’ve worked. Your drive and determination helped us get where we are today, and we couldn’t have done it without you.
  9. You’ve worked hard all year long and now it is time to enjoy a special time with the ones you love. We are sending our warmest wishes for a truly wonderful holiday.
  10. This year has brought unexpected challenges for our business and our employees, and we thank you for all the effort and commitment you’ve shown as we adjusted to these tough times. We wish you the very happiest and most peaceful of holidays and look forward to a new year full of wins and successes big and small.
  11. Our success wouldn’t happen without your dedication and effort. We are grateful for you and wish you a Christmas season filled with joy.
  12. We are so fortunate to have you on board. You are the backbone of our success. We would like to wish each of you a very Merry Christmas, a relaxing and joyful holiday season, and a Happy New Year full of excitement and possibility.
  13. Thank you for contributing your time and energy to the team this year. Your effort and commitment are appreciated! We hope the holiday season brings peaceful moments and beautiful memories to you and yours.

A ode mnie dla Ciebie na święta i Nowy 2022 Rok:

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year 2021